Successful National Oil Company Training

Zello is delighted with the response from Petroleum Development Oman to our first week of specialised training on occupational (corporate) health and wellness. Zello’s Chief medical Officer Dr. Rikard Moen FFOM FFOMI FRCPI FACOEM and Zello Senior Educator, Prof. Steven Nimmo (President, Faculty of Occupational Medicine) trained and mentored the entire medical team at Petroleum Development Oman in a new and exciting initiative - transferring knowledge, upskilling to an internationally recognised level, progressing the teams’ careers, and encouraging them to continually improve and drive better workforce health and wellness outcomes.

Some Zello trending wellness and mental health courses, include;

- Managing Stress in Teams

- Remote Site Working Mental Health First Aid

- Managing Mental Health and Wellness in the Workforce

If you would like to know more about Zello Training and Knowledge Transfer, then please email us at


Education, Training & Knowledge Transfer


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