Travis Vincent Appointed COO

Zello Group has today announced the appointment of Travis Vincent as Chief Operating Officer to drive the company’s operational excellence and strategy for global growth. Vincent, based in both Kenya and UAE, has more than 25 years’ experience in developing healthcare, security and safety solutions across the world.

He will be responsible for leading on the execution of core operational and growth strategies, leading on M&A integration, investing in and mentoring team Zello personnel and ensuring the smooth execution of new service and technology contracts.

Previously, Vincent was instrumental in the development and implementation of the RMSI / ISOS strategy and success in Iraq, Somalia, and Afghanistan and more recently in the start-up and running of construction and contracting businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Travis served as a commissioned officer in both the Australian and British Army and is a graduate of the Royal Military College Duntroon and holds an MBA majoring in Emerging Markets.

Dubai-based Zello specialises in monitoring the health and wellbeing of an organisation's people and operations – optimising performance in complex, remote and austere environments.

As a one of the co-founders of Zello, Vincent will work closely with Andrew Hames, fellow founder and CEO of the business.

Commenting on his new role, Vincent, said: “Customers are looking for reliable and innovative solutions that disrupt the market and give them a competitive advantage. This is just what Zello stands for, as well as ensuring our customers remain at the lower end of both the risk and cost curve.

“I am excited to be part of a new and dynamic organisation that is committed to partnering with customers to unlock their true potential through the quality, simplicity and efficiency of technology-led integrated performance solutions.”

Andrew Hames, CEO of Zello Group said the appointment would be a key step in driving the organisation’s operational excellence and ambitious growth strategy, developing and delivering world-class integrated solutions into key focused sectors: “The Zello Group is a dynamic, innovative business with aggressive and ambitious growth plans. Travis brings a wealth of experience on a global scale across our key markets. I know that Travis shares our vision to transform the delivery of technology-led solutions that optimise our clients’ performance in complex operating environments.”


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