Zello’s Andy Shepherd - Pull Up a Sandbag – Focusing on Men’s Wellbeing

Zello’s Head of Partnerships, Quality and Internal Growth, Andy Shepherd (pictured with the UN, second from right), is multi-talented and has proven an awesome addition to team Zello.

We are very lucky to have Shep onboard, not only does he have a wealth of global experience, from the corporate world and having served as a Medic in the Royal Army Medical Corps, but Shep is also a Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) Practitioner and a TRiM Manager and has been trained by the world renowned and respected Robert Simic of the Robert Simic Coaching Institute.

Yesterday Shep, alongside Donna Burfield - ICF-ACC, CTA-SCPC and Paul Smith, engaged in an incredibly open and insightful session ‘Pull Up a Sandbag – Focusing on Men’s Wellbeing’. We hope you will find the session educational and enjoy Shep’s valuable contribution and his experience shared.

A replay of the session can be viewed here:>> https://lnkd.in/dpgkvWhp

Zello has a huge focus on both our internal and client team’s mental health and wellness. We are lucky to have the resources and experience onboard. Please reach out if we can assist you and your team in anyway. www.myzello.com


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