Andy Shepherd Appointed as Head of Partnerships, Quality, and Internal Growth at Zello Group

Zello Group has today announced the appointment of Mr. Andrew Shepherd, as Head of Partnerships, Quality, and Internal Growth, as we ensure our culture, values and what defines us as a team, is built into every facet of Zello, our partners and the way in which we serve our valued clients.

Shep, to those who know him, is an experienced breakthrough and life coach with extensive military, commercial and wellbeing experience, following a career that has spanned some of the more challenging environments of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. 

Shep is an outstanding manager, having spent the past 25 years working within the corporate world with a focus on mental health, welfare, health & safety, security, and the environment – at all times overseeing and ensuring the well-being within the teams he worked with. Shep is also a Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) Practitioner and a TRiM Manager and has been trained by the world renowned and respected Robert Simic of the Robert Simic Coaching Institute.

Prior to entering the corporate environment, Shep spent 14 years as a Medic in the Royal Army Medical Corps, serving in a variety of locations including, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Borneo, Norway, and Ecuador.

We are ecstatic to welcome Shep onboard Zello. Teamwork is at the heart of our company and our people. The principles of teamwork guide and influence the way we work with each other – and the way we serve our clients and engage with the world. Having someone of Shep’s calibre join our team, will not only strengthen Zello, but ensure we build enduring partnerships and trusted long-term relationships with our clients across different geographies and cultures.


Zello’s Dr. Rikard Moen Presents to ACOEM 19th January 2023


Jetlir Bajrami Appointed as Director of Bids and Capture Management at Zello Group