Zello’s Dr. Rikard Moen Presents to ACOEM 19th January 2023

Zello's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Rikard Moen FFOM FFOMI FRCPI FACOEM presented last week to a large and engaged audience at the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM), alongside Dr Will Ponsonby, Dr Douglas Martin, Dr and Robert Bourgeois.

Zello's Dr. Moen presented on "Lessons Learned from UK Government's Public Health Response & Impact on Population Health & Health Inequalities".

We are pleased to share the video of Dr. Moen's presentation (from mins. 27-42) via the following video link:


Disclaimer: opinions expressed by Dr. Moen are purely his own and not the opinions of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine.


Zello’s Dr. Rikard Moen to Present at The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh - Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care 2023 Conference, 16-17 March 2023


Andy Shepherd Appointed as Head of Partnerships, Quality, and Internal Growth at Zello Group