UK Focus on Workplace Health & Wellness

Fantastic to see the focus on Workforce health and wellness coming out from the UK Spring Budget 2023!

As clearly stated, employer-led occupational health services can reduce health-related inactivity by identifying, monitoring and preventing health problems in the workplace, supporting employees to remain healthy and happy in work. However - only 50% of UK employees currently have access to occupational health services, which is lower than some international comparators.


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Budget details here:

3.36 Employer-led occupational health services can reduce health-related inactivity by identifying, monitoring and preventing health problems in the workplace, supporting employees to remain healthy and happy in work. Around half of UK employees currently have access to occupational health services, which is lower than some international comparators.

3.37 To support more businesses to provide occupational health services, the government will expand the forthcoming occupational health pilot subsidy scheme for small and medium sized businesses announced by the Department for Health and Social Care and DWP in 2021. The government will also launch a separate consultation on options for incentivising greater take-up of occupational health provision through the tax system.

3.38 The government will consult on ways to boost UK occupational health coverage, including, for example, through regulations to require employers to provide occupational health services. The consultation will also consider a process of kitemarking and professional accreditation to assure quality of occupational health services. To ensure occupational health providers can meet this increased demand for their services, the consultation will also consider the supply of occupational health professionals, including through the Long-Term Workforce Plan for the NHS.

4.156 Occupational Health SME Subsidy Pilot – The government will expand a subsidy pilot scheme to support small and medium-sized businesses in England with the cost of purchasing occupational health services.

4.157 Consultation on increasing occupational health coverage – The government will consult on increasing occupational health provision by UK employers, including regulatory options, boosting the supply of occupational health professionals, and kitemarking to indicate the quality of occupational health provision.

4.158 Consultation on occupational health tax incentives – The government will consult on options to increase investment in occupational health services by UK wide employers through the tax system.


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