Zello and Health Management Services Africa form Strategic Alliance to benefit Rwandans and their fellow East Africans

Zello Group has today announced the formation of a new long term strategic alliance with Health Management Services Africa in East Africa. The alliance aims to leverage the mutual capabilities to deliver a full suite of integrated site healthcare services and associated innovative technologies within the region.

As part of the agreement, the businesses will combine expertise to create a market leading and new technology-led approach to optimising the health, wellbeing and performance of workforces and operations across East Africa’s complex operating environment.

The alliance will strengthen local capability and support for corporate clients, Intergovernmental programs and local Government initiatives initially in Rwanda then across the broader East Africa region, further supporting the growth and development of the provision of bespoke locally appropriate health initiatives.  

They will utilise a combination of innovative technology, integrated performance services and close collaboration to enable a flexible and nuanced approach of delivery to prospective and existing clients.

As a result, the alliance will also develop innovative public private healthcare initiatives to address the needs in remote areas of Rwanda and in industries seeking to optimise their performance in complex operating environments.

Dr. Rikard Moen, Chief Medical Officer of Zello said: "Our alliance with Health Management Services Africa is transformational for health delivery and CSR initiatives in sub-Saharan Africa. Together we will deliver best in class healthcare by combining our innovative Zello technologies with local knowledge in order to benefit Rwandans and their fellow East Africans.

“The core strength of our alliance is being able to deliver effective, efficient, and deserving healthcare to people and places that have been historically underserved. This is what propels our two organisations forward.”

Dr. Omer El-nagieb, Chief Medical Officer of HMSA, added: "These are exciting times for Zello and HMSA to collaborate and work hand in hand with government agencies, trade unions and civil society organizations in Rwanda to build capacity for health in an innovative manner for Rwanda and the East African region.

“Huge political and social drives are currently occurring in the region - lead by Rwanda to improve the health of the working population, particularly in mining. We are really excited to be part of this and honoured to be given the chance to support Rwanda and the reign in developing effective systems that will contribute to safe effective work and healthy, stable and prosperous communities.”


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